Need to preface this post with the fact that I recognize there are many people out there that have had many bad days. There are friends out there right now who are in much worse places than me and this post is in no way, a comparison to some of the days you're having.
But today wasn't necessarily a bad day. It was a combination of the guy from Office Space who was just rolling with the punches, and a series of events that I cocked my head to the side and said to myself, "Huh... That didn't go as planned."
A few minor things happened in the morning but we're going to skip ahead to the new bane of my existence, ITunes one touch ordering. Most of the days, I admit, the ordering is completely by choice. I have no excuse for some of the music I've spent music on. Yes, your Honor, I did click the button. BUT, today, yes at work (I had a lunch meeting! I get make up time right?), I was looking through the catalogue for a long lost song (Eric Carmen, Make Me Lose Control, can't wait to hear what my brother Chris has to say about that one) and ended up in the movie section. Wanting more information about a movie, I clicked what I thought was the link to see more. Nope, all of a sudden, I see download start pop up. Huh... That's not right...WAIT! DAGNABIT!!! Cancel button! Cancel button! Hell any button! Yep, caps lock does nothing...
$14.99 later, I'm the proud owner of My Best Friend's Girl. Um, yea? But I smiled...
A few hours later, I walk into my boss's office and see some baked goods on her desk. I'm always up for finding a new tasty treat so I ask to take a look at the ingredients. What do you know? No eggs! No nuts! Jackpot! I turn to her, not in a cool, calm, or collected way. Nope, it was more of the way a five year old looks when their parent take the cookie out of the jar, places it on a napkin, and hands it down to them. Not exactly when it hits their hand, but that moment as the cookie is in the air. (Side story, can't wait to see this look on my own child's face... one day...) Quickly grabbing one of these tasty treats, I take a huge bite and think they're not half bad. Chatter back and forth soon followed that I have no recollection of because I was thinking, "Sweet! New treat to put on the list!". I left her office and finished. About five minutes later, I cocked my head to the side and thought, "Huh... This doesn't feel right." I could mentally picture the name of the item being crossed off the safe list as I could feel my mouth swelling and my teeth start to hurt. I go back to take another gander at the ingredients and they look safe. But sometimes that's just the thing. As best as people try, sometimes things get tossed around and something not Jeff friendly ends up in the wrong place.
This wasn't an epi-pen type of incident. There's a protocol for that if it were to happen at RIT.
But the Benedryl that I did take contributed to my next incident. I've started cooking more and tonight was a nice herb tilapia and salad. A few minutes after taking the Benedryl, I put the fish in. Well, the drugs take about 20 minutes to kick in and the fish was done in 15. Yep, didn't time this one out right. As I go to grab the pan, it slips and the fish falls to the bottom of the oven. Cue the freak out about the fire alarm going off. Thankfully it didn't but dinner was ruined. I put the pan, with the destroyed, unintentionally blackened fish, on top of the stove, cocked my head to the side, cracked a little smile, and thought, "Huh... That didn't go according to plan"
To be honest, I should have expected that last one. Same, exact thing happened the last time I tried to cook tilapia. I blame the drugs for clouding my memory. So maybe it did go according to plan? Third time will be the charm!
Thanks for reading...